The way Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) works has been largely affected by the algorithm changes incorporated by Google. It has been experimenting over the past couple of years and has arrived to a result that is considered absolutely exceptional and powerful.
The main features of SEO: linking building, anchor text, back links and keywords lead to the success and failure in the webpage ranking of a certain website. The well-known Penguin and Panda updates and link building techniques has changed nowadays to a considerable extent because of the series of algorithm changes Google made. Co-citations and co-occurrence replaced them.
Continue reading to familiarise yourself with these terms:
What does Co-Citation mean?
It simply means the resemblances between two web pages. In plain analogy, when website Z refers websites X and Y, they will be considered related. Google will then base on this relationship of both the websites. Both will then be deemed as an important search engine ranking factor. Populating your webpage with authentic, unique and new contents regularly is the best way for you to earn co-citations.
What does Co-Occurrence mean?
It refers to the association of phrases or keywords that are related or synonymous to each other. It does not particularly focus on the relationship between two webpages. Google takes into importance the relationship of the specific keywords as a necessary SEO ranking factor.
Do any such theories exist?
A “plain dry statement” describes a theory unproven by evidences. A theory needs an advice to be accepted as truth.
The theory of Co-Citation and Co-Occurrence was invented by a famous SEO analyst who is also the owner of and Fish kin. His findings revealed that Google is more likely to center on these theories, Co-Citation and Co-Occurrence, to rank websites in the existing timeframe because anchor text is on its downside.
Co-Citation and Co-Occurrence – A replacement to Anchor Text?
Co-Citations and Co-Occurrence replaced link building, back links and anchor text because of keyword stuffing, anchor text manipulation, link spamming and manipulating website rank.
Google began punishing websites that rely on negative SEO for rankings so that it could supply web readers or surfers with more precise and helpful information. It utilized an overabundance of algorithm method changes.
The Relation between Co-Citation, Co-Occurrence & Search Engine Rankings
When the content of your website is new, exceptional and shared virally on the web through social media sharing, Co-Citation and Co-Occurrence can flow naturally for you. Google determines the search engine ranking websites by focusing on natural means to measure the likeness between websites.
How to Earn Co-Citation and Co-Occurrence?
- By creating quality content
- By consistently updating webpages
- By participating in online discussions or forums
- By writing more on present or trending topics that appeals to everybody’s interest
- By developing fresh and flawless contents.
The Verdict
The announcement of Co-Citation and Co-Occurrence does not mean the death of SEO. Contrary, it offers a resurgence of SEO by presenting fresh and quality search engine page results to internet users. For those who are attempting to manipulate search engine page results, Co-Citation and Co-Occurrence are anti-spamming drug for them.